Chris, E, Ethan, Jae, Matt, Matthew, Mel, y Jennifer y sus niños Jessica y Ryan, Sarah #3, y yo (Félix) asistimos a esta reunión.
Matt va a encontrar a un entrenador para escalada este miércoles. Además, está planeando hacer el Murph Challenge conmigo este año.
Sarah estaba enferma todavía durante el fin de semana, pero se siente mejor hoy. Estaba muy ocupada con mucho trabajo.
El sábado, estuve en Hartford, Connecticut para hacer un maratón al interior de una arena. Se llamó Arena Attack Marathon. Necesité correr 133 veces en una pista interior para completar 26.2 millas. Estaba ganando la carrera hasta 110 vueltas, cuando el ganador eventual me pasó. Tuve tanta fatiga a ese punto. Últimamente, terminé como segundo hombre.

[These notes have been proofread by a native Spanish speaker in Venezuela.]
Do you know of any conversation opportunities for beginning adult Spanish speakers? Thanks.
I highly recommend audio courses and apps for beginning adult speakers (but making sure to pronounce words and sentences out loud). Many free and effective ones are listed here!
Spanish learners of all levels are totally welcome at any of our conversation meetings as well, but it is best to have at least a high-beginner or intermediate vocabulary and understanding of basic grammar—which is best gained through the above resources or, say, private tutoring. (It is my opinion that audio lessons and Duolingo are both more effective, efficient, and less expensive than group lessons.) Almost invariably, complete beginners have gotten too discouraged after one or two conversation meetings despite the friendliness of everyone present, as not being able to understand others or speak their own thoughts can understandably be very frustrating.